Friday, March 9, 2012

Baby weight truth

Ok, so, normally, I'm a pretty balanced person. I'm outgoing and happy. I try not to let the little things get to me. Lately, that's changed, and for obvious reasons (*cough*  baby *cough*) and the issue I keep circling back to is body image.It's serious enough when you're not pregnant, but add a growing baby and waistline and sometimes it becomes difficult not to succumb to low self-esteem.

Don't misunderstand me here. I love being pregnant and I would gladly gain 1000 pounds if it meant my baby would be healthy, but, when I go to my doctor and all I keep hearing is "Oh, 2 more pounds this week," or "3 pounds gained since last time," I can't help but feel dejected. It doesn't help that all the literature I read online tells me that the average weight gain is about a pound per week at this stage in my pregnancy. So, is it any wonder that I feel like a hippo?

The remaining sane part of my brain tells me that I should shove aside all these cares and focus on getting through this last month and then taking care of a newborn, but, the insane parts are a little louder when the shout back the worry and fear I might not lose the weight, how long will it take? Can I do it, what if I get lazy? Etc, etc, etc. It doesn't help that I unfairly pin some of my anxiety on my husband. I think, "God, how unattractive must I look to him?" "Will he still think I'm pretty with all this excess weight?" "What if my body isn't his ideal anymore?" And truth be told, this is the main root of my problems. My husband. I want to be like drop dead gorgeous  after I give birth. I want him to be proud of the hot wife he has who also just had a baby and I want to be that way because I love him. Because, a small part of me, whether you agree or not, wants to give him that; give him the size 4 wife with the banging body and is super hot. It's a dilemma I sturggle with daily. All these fears and wants.

I know that in order to be there for my child I must take care of myself. I won't crash diet or starve myself or any crazy stuff, but do I want the speedy fix like all these celebrities? Heck ya! I also know I don't make millions of dollars a year to afford the chefs, nannies, personal trainers and expensive gyms these women employ. I also know that my career doesn't hinge on my ability to sell myself, my look and my body. Thank God. However, I do wish I could at least experience that quick-fix. I know to lose the baby weight and keep it off it'll take me a few months and that's ok..pace myself and do it right, but, won't there be days when I slack off? When I ignore the fruit and reach for the donut? Of course. And I need to learn that's ok. I can't be 100% all the time. Can I? But, can I embrace my new shape for however long I have it? Can I accept myself and the way I look for the time being? That's the truth I must figure out.

Society tells me I should; it tells me I should be proud of my body no matter what shape or size it is and no matter how many pounds I gain or lose. Easier said than done society. You haven't gained 44 pounds in 9 months. It's not your unfamiliar face that stares back at you from the mirror every time you look at it or the pants that seem to get a little tighter everytime you put them on that you have to wear. Society is right. I think I'm right in feeling the way I do, because it is such a huge change to go from happily married couple to pregnant mommy to be. A WONDERFUL change, but a huge change nonetheless.

As I sit and battle my demons and have you witness it, I know that the truth about baby weight isn't just simple or clean or pretty or beautiful or serene or any multitude or nice adjectives you can think of. It's messy and hard and a struggle and the pressure put on women to always be skinny and groomed and made up affects us pregnant ladies too.  Perhaps more so than our childless counterparts. Jessica Simpson just shot a nude cover for a magazine and she's pretty darn pregnant and she loved it and felt totally comfortable and embraced her whole body. I'll bet you she has her down days too. ;)

I don't mean to sound depressed or disgusted by my own self, I am merely thinking aloud about my fluctuating feelings regarding this issue. I'm healthy and happy and am awaiting the arrival of the single greatest miracle of my life. What's 44 pounds compared to that?  

Thursday, March 8, 2012


As I've gotten increasingly round, I've become more, how shall I say, objective of my new shape and situation:
1. I am nine months pregnant. That sentence says it all.
2. My weight gain over these past nine months has given me a unique insight into how attractive food really is. ( It is VERY attractive to someone who could rival a Dyson vaccum cleaner in terms of speed of suction)
3. The Pillsbury Dough Boy ain't got nothing on my roundness. ( He does come in a close second, and only because he can produce the most heavenly fudge brownies)
4 . My brain has sadly lagged in the "control Marwa's body" category as raging hormones have forced several shut downs of key sectors such as appetite, mood and bladder control, until further notice.
5. I have lost interest in attempting to feel guilty and have decided to embrace my lovely baby bump.
6. I have surrendered to baby and allowed her to take control of my insides and vanquish her mortal enemies. ( In case you were wondering, these enemies are my stomach, bladder, intestines, lungs and diaphragm)
7. Breathing is over rated. Panting is the new rage.
8. Jessica Simpson is bigger than I am and she's due around the same time I am. ( Mean I know, but alas, I am a female and my vanity sometimes rears it's ugly head)
9. I shall have to by stock in Palmer's Cocoa butter stretch mark lotion and tummy butter.
10. Sleeping is also over rated. Staring at the ceiling and attempting to count diapers is much more fun for me.
11. It's fun freaking out my non-pregnant friends with obscure facts about what happens to your body when there's a human being in it.
12. Going to my OB/GYN is a lesson in humiliation and strength as dignity is sacrificed. ( Ladies, you know what I mean)
13. Dignity itself is also over rated because using the restroom 1983903724 times a day tends to do that to you and damn the social etiquette.
14. Watching shows of women giving birth is my new  favorite thing to do. I can loftily claim what I would or wouldn't do differently than these women. ( I'm so brave...NOT LOL)
15. American Baby Magazine has become my go-to guide.
16. Clothes shopping for baby is much more fun than attempting to squeeze myself into clothes.
17. Daily mishaps of various sorts just make me enjoy being pregnant more and more.

Friday, March 2, 2012

A prayer for you my daughter

As I sit here, nearing the end of my incredible journey with you growing inside me, thriving, developing and gaining strength for your grand entrance into the world, I pray for you my daughter.

I pray you arrive healthy and screaming; kicking with indignance that you had to leave your safe haven inside of me, nestled next to my heart, always with me, never apart. I pray that God give me the strength to deliver you with no complications; to meet you for the first time and grab your tiny little fingers in mine. I will count them, and your toes, just to make sure you're as perfect as can be. I will touch your tiny nose and eyes, your arms and legs and thank the lord above for granting me such a wonderful blessing and gift.

I pray for you daughter I overcome my fear for you that has slowly been developing these past nine months. I never knew I could come to experience such a powerful feeling of devotion, awe and love for someone I have never met. Careful, you're in competition with your amazing dad. =) (Although he is in a class of his own and more than I could ever hope for.) I pray, little one, that no harm comes your way and I pray I am always able to protect you.

I pray that your first few years of life are filled with laughter, fun, health and family. You're so loved already by so many people and you don't know it. Aunts and uncles, grandparents, friends and countless more. I pray you are always happy and giggling.

I pray that as you grow-up, you learn from your father and I about morals and values, right and wrong and ethics. I pray we can teach you to be the kind of woman I hope for you to be and that is strong, god-fearing, open-minded, kind, dutiful, moral and so, so much more. I know there will be temptations and obstacles in your path that you will overcome and others you will fail at and I pray that you always know you can come to me to help and guide you, and that you know, I may learn right along with you.

I pray that I live long enough to see you accomplish all of your dreams and hopes. I have such plans for you baby girl. I know God has something special in store for you and he will ultimately guide you when I cannot, and even when I can.

I pray you remember that God is always watching. He will be kinder and more merciful on you than even I could be and I pray you remember to him you can take all your fears, problems, mistakes and requests and they will, god willing, be fixed and granted. Remember, he is for eternity.

I pray you know that even when I am not with you physically, I will always and forever be a part of you and will love you until the end of time, and, god willing,when we are reunited in Jannah.

I pray that you grow-up knowing your self worth and never let anyone beat you down. I pray you have the strength and will to climb any mountain or hill in your way and lend a helping hand to those who cannot. I pray you never underestimate what you're made of and never let any man, woman or child drag you down. You're beautiful, inside and out.

I pray you one day understand how much I love you and how much I want you to live life. You are my daughter, now, forever.

Be safe child, and remember that there is no greater love on earth than that of a mother for her child.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Evolution 101: Becoming an "American"

I wrote this paper 3 years ago in college and came across it today. I am posting it because its content is something I've been thinking about this past year of my life as I've gotten married and moved away to Egypt.

Imagine yourself torn between the old and the new, the known and the unknown. Next, imagine you had to choose: the old and the known or the new and the unknown. What would you choose? Are you brave enough to take that giant leap of faith knowing that the two could not be achieved together in any sort of harmony; one would always dominate the other? Or do invisible bonds stronger than you hold you to the known, thereby negating any need for a choice?

Sounds complicated doesn’t it? In fact, it’s a choice that millions of young Americans are forced to make in their lives in order to live a life they deem acceptable, only, these young Americans aren’t what many would consider ‘typical’. These young Americans have backgrounds, mores, values and beliefs that differ quite greatly from your average White Anglo Saxon American whose ancestors came from Europe to populate this country. The young Americans that I am talking about are the descendants of generations of Arabs having been brought to America forcefully or by those who came by choice. The real push began in the “period between 1880 and 1924, when more than 20 million immigrants entered the United States. Most of the immigrants came from Southern and Eastern Europe, but more than 95,000 Arabs came from Greater Syria. By 1924, there were about 200,000 Arabs living in the United States.”i However, I will not go that far back in the telling of this story, but knowing the background will give the audience a rare insight into a different culture, but one that has been brewing in the melting pot of America for hundreds of years. It is also a rare opportunity to witness the products of two distinct worlds that collided together.

It is hard to imagine that during the intervening years that these immigrants did not at least try to assimilate into American culture and submit willingly into the melting pot to be stirred in amongst the other flavors of the stew, like the potent Irish, or the spicy Latinos or even the cool Eastern Europeans. However, due to the nature and tenacity of the culture that these Arabs left behind in their home countries, it became a battle to hold on to their identity while at the same time, try to achieve the great American Dream that has shaped the nation and the world. Traditionally, Arabs may look physically different than the custom white-skinned, fair-haired immigrants; they have a naturally olive-toned complexion and darker features, but that is also not the rule. Arabs are quite diverse and according to the Detroit Free Press: “Arabs may have white skin and blue eyes, olive or dark skin and brown eyes. Hair textures differ. The United States has, at different times, classified Arab immigrants as African, Asian, white, European or as belonging to a separate group. Most Arab Americans identify more closely with nationality than with ethnic group.” Thus, it is no wonder that most people here in America rarely take notice of Arabs as being a separate race altogether. However, since the events of September 11, 2001, the Arab population of America has been thrust into the spotlight, like it or not, and this has been both advantageous as well as a drawback to the development of this demographic.
Seeking to find the ways in which this distinct demographic of America has assimilated into society is somewhat difficult because, if you ask most young Arab Americans, those born here and those born overseas, many will tell you they identify with both. I’ve decided to seek out four individuals, all Arabs and all either in college or having graduated college, to follow their stories and how they came to be who they are today and how they view themselves, rather than how society views them. The question that begs to be answered is: Is there truly such a thing as a Melting Pot of cultures? And the answer to that is: The identity young Arab Americans have forged for themselves here in America is a testament to how effective America is at assimilating other cultures.

Majeeda Pacha, Tarek Badawi, Ahmed Kassem and Nancy Qawasmeh have all volunteered to let us into their lives and ask them about how they feel about their current lives. According to Majeedah Pacha, a 19-year-old Junior at the University of Houston, “I feel much tied to America for obvious reasons, yet, at the same time, I grew up in a cultural atmosphere. I ate Arabic food, watched Arabic TV, and conversed with family members in Arabic. I have strong ties to both.” That much is obvious when one hears her speak in perfect English but sees her body wrapped in long, loose-fitting clothes and the veil covering her hair. Tarek Badawi, a 22-year-old Finance graduate from the University of Houston, “I feel a tie to both cultures,” adds as his hazel eyes and pale complexion stare back at me calmly and I almost forget who I am talking to because of his appearance that is so Non-Arab to those not acquainted with the physical diversity in the Arab World. It may seem strange to some people that there could be room enough to hold both cultures in these peoples’ minds, but it’s this dual loyalty that leads them to embrace both aspects of their identity.ii On the flip side of the coin, Ahmed Kassem, a 24-year-old student at the University of Houston and former student of the University of Texas says, “I consider myself an Arab,” and he does do adamantly, but with respect for the country he is in and what is has offered him. He recognizes that due to the relative free atmosphere of the culture here, he can be what he wants to be and not have to apologize for it, or so he told me, flexing his hulking, body builders’ biceps. In sharp contrast, tiny, almost fragile looking Nancy Qawasmeh, a 22-year-old college graduate, claims that, “I consider myself an Arab-American.” Knowing that each of these people has their own reasons for identifying with both cultures does not make it clear how they arrived at such a conclusion so early on their lives. Usually, it takes years and years to figure out who you are, only to lose that identity in a mid-life crisis, but not so with these people. In many ways, it’s as if they were forced to grow up and mature before their years in order to properly fit in.

It’s an age old dilemma that has confounded humans for ages: How do I fit in? Do I want to fit in? The answers are not always clear, and it often very difficult to see the common ground between the two opposing forces pulling you in different directions, almost like a magnet repelling it’s twin. In this case, the dilemma lies in the relatively simple, yet complex, dichotomy that is culture. What it is made up of: mores, values, beliefs. How it is practiced: holidays, clothing, grand leaders. How it is spread: orally, through divine books, by sea or land. It is no easy task trying to keep track of all the new things a society can come up with to further embed its culture into the minds of its members, ensuring loyalty at all costs. In the case of the Arab World, the culture is tied up with religious traditions and beliefs and it is not always easy to separate the two, because in reality, they are quite different.

What the world has been presented is the image of the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia as the image of the Arab/Muslim culture. The head to toe covering of the woman, the turbaned men and the conservative attitude and hatred towards the west and atmosphere of sex, drugs, rock n roll and partying. The world sees daily, on the news, on the internet, the burning of the American flag, the taunts and shouts “DEATH TO AMERICA! DEATH TO BUSH!” It reads about the laws enacted under the Islamic name to oppress individuals and institutions. It seems that the image of the West in Arab/Muslim eyes is that of one massive orgy that is having a love affair with the concept of nudity and free expression of one’s body and sexuality; that that is all there is to western culture: SEX, flashing bright like a neon sign.

It doesn’t help that many of the youth here are first-generation American; the first in their families to be born in America and become American at birth, unlike their parents, who immigrated here for better opportunities, and better lives for their kids, and who had the idea they could keep their children Arab and still raise them in America without fear that they’d become too American, embrace this ‘excessive’ and ‘base’ culture and forget about their heritage and legacy. Majeedah’s parents have been here for 20 years, Tarek’s for 18 years, Ahmed’s for nine years and Nancy’s for over 30 years. In that time, it’s hard to not change and become more Americanized themselves, but because their parents knew a different life and different society, they strained to instill that in their children. However, their noble intentions didn’t always persevere. They fought hard, and they fought long, but eventually, their kids became the hybrids they feared, and so began the struggle to bring them back into the fold, and forbid them from participating in this culture, like so many later did in rebellion.
But what the world does not see or hear or read about is the dominant group in the Arab World and among Arab Americans, particularly the young, is the group that looks like Tarek and Nancy, Ahmed and Majeedah. The group that dresses much like anyone else does these days, in jeans and shirt, or a top and a short skirt, or even a veil and long skirt, paired with a ruffled top that is at once fashionable as it is conservative. Looking at these four faces, it is hard to reconcile those images with the images of the oppressed women and harsh men. In fact, it is those images that are the exception to the rule and not the other way around. Nancy, dressed in a short dress, her hair tied up in a pony tail, sunglasses perched on top of her head and her made-up face stares at me in confusion as I ask her if she’s succumbed to this culture of sex and nudity, if it has made her more open, or, more defiant of her Arab side. She is not hesitant to deliver the blunt truth of her feelings.

“Yes it has made me be more open but also the Arab culture has made me more open because I always felt oppressed so I rebel and be more open and comfortable in my own body. Being around naked people isn't what makes one run around naked. It's the fact that there's that rule that says even though they're naked you're not allowed to so then that makes someone want to rebel and be naked like the rest.”

Nancy seems to be among the majority of Arab Americans who have kept their Arab skin but have replaced the insides with American made parts. “While they may be closely tied to their countries of origin, most Arab Americans were born in the United States… this is reflected in the expression, "Truly Arab and fully American.”iii She is representative of the attitudes they now have towards their clothing, their sexuality and even their ideas that, this open idea towards sex, is not just an American or Western thing, it’s a global phenomenon. According to Tarek, who is of Egyptian descent, “not really, openness to sex I believe isn’t American but just the affect of time and globalism, Egypt being just as bad as here in terms of sex or close.” So, it would seem, the reversed prejudice the Middle East has towards America for it being too open, is reserved for the older generations and those that want to fight against the change. However, Majeedah proves that there are still some out there whose attitudes toward sex remains tied to their cultural values, whose roots are in the Islamic teachings.

“There’s no doubt that sex is popular and one can decipher this by simply watching TV, shopping, or listening to music. Sex sells, especially in this society. One thing I appreciate about my culture is that it is more conservative in this aspect. It hasn’t impeded my performance or excelling. If anything, it has done the opposite. Since I willingly choose to not embrace such a lifestyle or motive, I can keep my priorities straight. It just gives me a greater appreciation for what I was fortunate to have instilled in me growing up.”

The difference in attitude among the young begs the question: why is there a difference? The answer to that is surprisingly logical. The difference lies in the fact that since the events of 9/11, many young Arabs saw themselves singled out and harassed by their peers, who prior to 9/11 saw them as just any other people. They were targeted by taunts and sneers, hate and prejudice where before, they simply fit in. This led to some of these young adults to totally rebel against their Arab identity in disgust because they blamed it for their problems. They blamed the Islamic teachings they’d been brought up on, the very same ones that told them to embrace who they were and to avoid certain things like sex and alcohol, excess and greed. Yet, others embraced their Arab identity and persevered in the atmosphere of hate. They took the good from both cultures and made it into a hybrid known as the Arab American. They recognized that the culture itself was not to blame, but the rigidity of those who practiced it was the main factor in the division. Islam was a way of life with edicts sent down by god to govern their lives, but with enough personal freedom to make the correct choices. “It is a religion that agrees with the nature and intelligence of man.”iv America embraces the freedoms of individuals to make their own lives and choose their own destinies. So it is not hard to see how these hybrids came to master the identity.

The ones that rebelled sought comfort in the American culture, the one they defined, at least subconsciously the same way their parents did; Sex, partying, open attitude to anything they pleased and damn the consequences. So, they formed an addictive relationship with this new rebellion, almost like it was a drug and they needed a fix, a taste of the forbidden fruit, just to see what it was like and why it had been banned from them. In time, the culture to them came to mean less about sex and excess and more about just the open mindedness and seeming acceptance of all things, no judgment passed, no taunting. “Yes, the culture of openness to sex has changed me coz it is very easy to do what other people do without feeling bad about it,” says Ahmed, with almost a look of chagrin on his face, when I asked him if he had rebelled and how it had changed him as a person. He explained to me that the fact that America had become a country where thousands of different ideas could meld together into new ideas, where the good from the Arab culture could be fused with the good from the American culture, made it possible to assimilate in society without thinking you had lost anything in the process. It was an interesting thing to realize.  I asked the same thing of Nancy, Tarek, and even Salma Taher, a friend of Majeedah’s that happened to sit in on her interview. They all resoundingly agree that it is possible to mesh together ideas from the old culture, with ideas from the new culture. But they all also agreed that it didn’t work with all ideas and beliefs, and that they’d end up sacrificing something of themselves to create the new part of themselves. For example, in Islam, and in the Arab culture in a larger sense, it is forbidden for men and women to have relationships outside of marriage for the purpose of protecting against adultery but three of the people I had interviewed had been in relationships before that involved some form of physical closeness. They sacrificed a firm belief for the idea that it was ok to have a relationship before marriage that was between two willing people, and because it was the norm here, it didn’t make it so bad, because they fit in now.

Regardless of which decisions these four individuals chose to make, or not make, the one clear thing that they all have in common is their acknowledgement that they are two things at once, two halves of a whole. They recognize that they are at once, both similar, and yet different than their full blooded American counterparts. They also realize they have an obligation to educate and inform people of their Arab/Muslim side. In 2007, thousands of American Muslims gathered together to create a short movie of what they wanted to tell the American nation, and the world, about Islam and their beliefs. My four subjects wholeheartedly agreed with them and looking at them, I realized that no matter what, they truly did love themselves and their identities, and that’s what mattered most.

Having come from loving themselves, to hating themselves(or not) or not knowing themselves, to loving themselves once again, I had a few more questions to ask my interviewees. Pertinent questions that I thought would truly help people understand that assimilation into American society is based more on the individual’s choice rather than pure peer pressure and influence of ‘American’ culture. My last few questions centered on their futures, what they foresaw for themselves, and particularly, for their children. I got random answers, as I came to expect. But, what I also got was the love of this country and its opportunities, and a love for their heritage and its values. When I asked about their children and where they would want to raise them, here in America or back home in their respective countries, whether it was Egypt, Jordan, Algeria or Palestine, Tarek said he’d like to raise his kids here “but would like them born back home.” Nancy responded with a somewhat shocking answer, despite her easy attitude, “No I will not raise my kids here and will like to move to the Middle East or Europe or even Australia.” Ahmed, with his body builder’s physique and the Devil-may-care attitude swiftly said, “I will definitely raise my kids overseas so they can hold onto their morals, and religion.” And the most intriguing and lengthy of the answers came from Majeedah, who’d love to raise her kids here because “I believe people from my culture or Muslim Americans, for a more accurate term, are assets to this country. One thing I love about this country is that there is a plethora of opportunities that you cannot find anywhere else. Couple that with individuals who have a great moral standing, thirst for knowledge, good work ethic, and desire for peace, you can achieve wonders and transform America to its maximum potential.” Indeed, America is, if nothing else, a safe haven for those seeking to better their lives, their country and their world. It is a place where you can start off one thing, and become another, like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly after hiding away its true self, only to suddenly burst free and take off into the world, secure in the knowledge that it has fulfilled its potential and is armed with all the tools it needs to survive.

I left my interviews with these young people filled with the conviction that although America is a melting pot of different ideas, values and beliefs, and although there are legacies lost and convictions broken in the process of melting together to form the ‘American’ identity (which is not always compatible with religion or culture) the answer to the question, is there truly such a thing as a Melting Pot of cultures? Is not the answer we came up with before, but rather, the answer is now, we are the ones who create the melting pot, and the ones that create the culture, by sacrificing some ideals and principles and acquiring others, still, by strengthening others and holding on to them. Tarek, Majeedah, Ahmed and Nancy are all only individual examples of the whole; they cannot be generalized into applying to all young Arab Americans be they Muslim or not. Their answers don’t apply to everyone and vice versa, because, the answer is in each young Arab American torn between America and their heritage, the answer is quite simply America is who you are inside and who you are inside is what America is.

i Arab American National Museum

ii Detroit Free press
iii Detroit Free Press
iv ‘A Walk Along the Beach’ a religious pamphlet by

Thursday, February 9, 2012


There are people who strive to be unique, there are people who are born unique and then there are people who are so unique, they are in a class of their own. Either way you look at it, some people manage to stop you in your tracks with the things they do, what they wear or say, or, in this case, what they drive.

I was out to lunch today with my best friend and as we were eating, in comes this very "unique" looking gentleman with his son, dressed in neon yellow, orange and blue tye dye pants and a shirt, bald head, sunglasses perched upon his shining crown and what I only assumed to be shoes covered his feet. I honestly stopped focusing on my food and the conversation I was having to just process what my eyes were seeing. I almost laughed aloud but that would have been rude.I wouldn't have laughed out of malice, but out of an expression of the amazement and admiration I felt for this guy that he actually didn't care he was out in public dressed like that. You could tell he was confident in choice of attire and to heck with anyone who didn't like it. After all, a man dressed like that could only buck conventional societal values about what is "acceptable" to wear and what isn't. A man dressed like that could only think that whoever decides what's "in" and "out" in fashion is close minded and so un-unique (is that a word? lol). A man dressed like that could only have decided to live his life according to his way and his rules. What's not to admire? Would any of us have the courage to dress like that? Ugly or not?

I managed to finish my food in peace and as I was leaving the restaraunt , I happened upon this wonderfully delightful sight:

Guess who it belonged to? =)  Kudos to this man who managed to bring a dash of joy to my day. Whoever you are, don't stop being who you are!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A round belly = A whole bunch of smiles

I'm a friendly person. I love to stop and say hello to people and get to know them. I like when people smile at me when I'm out and about. I love to smile back. I mean,there's just something about the kindness of strangers connecting on such a simple level that warms my heart. Now, add in a belly made round by a baby and you've got a whole other dimension to this connection.

I am 8 months pregnant and feeling it! I live overseas and came back to Houston to wait out the remainder of my pregnancy. On my loooooooong journey over here, I had a layover in London and,seeing as how I now waddle rather than walk, I got to take a ride on a wheelchair off the plane and then on a golf cart for part of my journey to my gate. The lady that was charged with the task of carting me around opened up to me about her pregnancy experiences and what she went through, and, basically, her life story. I sat there politely and listened and laughed and the whole while, I was smiling because here was this stranger who was relating to me on a deeper level and trusting me with areas of her private life. I couldn't help but think "Wow, my baby bump prompted this." Then, I thanked God for such a blessing and bade the nice lady farewell.

Later on when I arrived in Houston, the young gentleman that had to cart me around on my second wheelchair ride (which was heaven may I add and I secretly laughed at all the evil, envious looks I was getting from everyone else who had to walk) started to tell me about his wife and her first pregnancy too and what she went through and their daughter..and again, I thought to myself, pregnancy just makes people more nice and friendly. That, or they just think that we pregnant woman are ticking time bombs of hormones and distracting us with chit chat and words is a good game plan. Either way, I love all the things I learned about people I will never see again but allowed me a view into their private lives.

The moral of the story is: Being round isn't so bad after all.


Hello everyone! Thanks for coming to my blog and showing an interest in what I have to say. I will attempt to post weekly and I hope to provdie a funny, insightful, educated and unique look into life and the world so please, feel free to comment and suggest new topics for my blog and any advice you might have.