Hi Baby Boy. It's mama. Me. That person you drive crazy all the time? Yeah that's me. I'm maybe writing you this letter a little (ok, A LOT) late but hey, in all fairness , you've been occupying my time Malek. You're seven months old today my prince . Wow. Time flew by so fast. It feels like yesterday when you were inside me and I was carrying you safe from the world .I wish time would slow down. Sometimes, I wish it would stop. Stop time, stop at that giggle, that smile, that happy laugh when you see me. I wish I could snapshot all of the moments you try something new or figure out how to be just a bit more independent from me. I even wish time would stop when you're screaming at 3 am and won't sleep because it means I get that much longer to hold your small little hands that won't be little much longer. Time has flown by and now you're SEVEN months old baby boy . Where has it gone I wonder? Time that is. I can't catch up to it and I worry I'm not present enough in each and every moment with you. Could you maybe slow down my big little guy? Could you talk to time and ask it to take its time ?
Seven months of pure bliss and exhaustion and tears (both of ours) and a piercing happiness that fills my heart . Your sister and you together, loving one another, that is what joy is . I am in awe EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I am thankful to God EVERY. SINGLE. SECOND . Here's to 70 more years of you Malek. Happy seven months ❤
I wanted to write you this letter while I was still pregnant with you but from the moment I found out you were there , you've given me lots to be busy with. From the get go you made your presence known. I knew even before any test could tell me that I had you growing inside of me and oh how I prayed you would be a boy . I must have done something right at some point because God answered my prayer for a little boy. Oh how excited your dad and sister and I were . Especially your sister. She couldn't wait to see you and hold you and have you give her that all important "Big Sister" title. As for me, I was just trying to keep up with the both of you . I was also scared beyond belief. How was I supposed to handle 2 kids ? How was I supposed to raise a son ? A daughter was easy; a girl like me . A son? You thrust me into a whole new told and that is a blessing I will always be thankful for . I prayed for you, like I prayed for your sister. I prayed that God would always guide you to rightness, to justice, to fairness and to goodness. I prayed that God would always bring you back to him if you ever strayed . I still pray the same and will always pray the same .
The world is so different now . It's scarier and darker but it's also more connected and smaller. I pray for you as I prayed when you were inside me that you are always true to yourself and honest. Remember, honesty natter how hard or how damaging or hurtful it can be , is always the right path . Be honest Malek.
I pray you always know my love for you . Oh how my heart fills and bursts when I look at you and hold you and smell you. I wish I could imprint my love on you so you'd always know just how much I love you. When I'm gone I hope you remember just how much.
I pray you always know how proud I am of you. Every single day. For every single achievement and every single growth you have .
I pray you become the type of man who stands up for justice and peace and for those who can't stand up for themselves. Help them . Love them . Be like the prophet Mohamed. Be kind. Be loving. I pray God makes you this always . I pray you're the type of man that is who little boys one day want to grow up and become.
I pray I have enough time with you to love you and teach you and be there for you to keep you safe and happy. Oh how I pray for that. You're such a special little boy already Malek. So loved by one and all. Just like your sister . Thank God for that. Those people that love you so much ; those uncles and aunts and grandparents and friends, they are your family and your support system. They are your lifetime helpers and guides and happiness. Should I be gone, I will live on through them to love you .
I am rambling now, there's so much I want to say to you and write down for you. I love you . I love you. I love you always and forever and even when you can't see me or be with me , I love you. ALWAYS.
Welcome to the world little big guy. Welcome to your first year of life and all its wonders and challenges for both of us. Welcome to our family. We three , now we're four forever more.
Mommy .❤