Sunday, January 13, 2013

An update a year in the making

My oh my has it been AGES since I've last posted. In fact, the last time I posted was just days before I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl,Nadine. Nadine is just about 10 months old now! Mashallah. She is the light of my universe..and her dad's little angel in disguise. Life with her in it now is so much richer, beautiful and busier than ever...which is why I haven't posted in sooooooo long :). Nadine came into the world on March 26, 2012 at 11:08 a.m. And weighed in at 6lbs 4oz.   She has grown sooooo fast and I cannot believe wheeeere the time has gone. She came back to Egypt with me (obviously) heheheh and has become the apple of her grandparents' eyes here. Needless to say my family and loved ones in Houston are green with envy buuuuuut we are very thankful for skype :D. I am now also working as a preschool teacher and it has been great. I've found my second family at the school I work at. 
There is a lot more to say and update on and much more to blog about. This was just an update on me and trust me, there will be more. So stay tuned as I take on you my roller coaster ride through my life and enjoy. As always, feel free to comment.

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