Sunday, February 17, 2013

10 pm feels like 2 am...

Ah, the days of being a night owl are well and truly behind me. No longer is 4 or 5 a.m. an acceptable time to go to bed, and, the luxury of waking up at noon, or one or two p.m. is but a distant memory. Oh the joys of being a working mom; and just a mom in general. Nowadays, I'm ready to hit the hay at 9 p.m. and most often am in la-la land by 11 MAX. I'm on my daughter's schedule now and there's no deviating from that. I'm currently in bed, writing this actually. I'm waiting for the sandman to come fill my eyes with sand. I'm also listening for the cries of a little one not so asleep in her room....

I'm craving a slice of Godiva Chocolate cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory. Oh sweet heaven that dessert should be a sin. Anyone back in htown want to send me a slice? Orrrrrrrrrrr a Pizookie from BJs. That would work too. Hehehehehe my thighs, ass, tummy and legs will one day learn to appreciate all the extra pounds..NOT.

I'm starting the INSANITY workouts cuz this is one mama who has to get moving! Wish me luck. I think there will be A LOT of cranky posts in the future due to the INSANE nature of this workout program..but I did manage to finish P90X so this shouldn't be tooooo hard...but I speak to soon I fear lol.

Good night world!

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